Harvard Innovation Labs: Listening to Latinx Entrepreneurs

Elaine Johanson
Oct 15, 2021
Harvard Innovation Labs: Listening to Latinx Entrepreneurs

Jeronimo Beccar: I lost someone close to suicide. My friend had taken antidepressants for years before it happened. Many years later, I learned that this was not an isolated case. Roughly 50 million people in the US take antidepressants every year. For about 20 million of them, they don’t work. At this point, people often don’t know what comes next in their care journey. Navigating the mental healthcare system is extremely hard: there’s poor guidance, little awareness around options, uncertainties around cost, endless paperwork. Basically, we are asking people to find a restaurant in a foreign city, blindfolded, without a smartphone! That’s the problem Hyka solves.

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